Mental Health Works
Mental Health Works
The Shaming Of You
New year new me
Because the old me wasn’t good enough, or so many of us think.
So what do we do every single year to shame ourselves into doing better?
Christmas is the time for jolly and all that, bringing us closer to people we want to see and some we are happy to see at that time only. We eat we drink we laugh then we feel bad about ourselves, as the nights grow colder we don’t want o go out we want to stay in and reach for more handfuls of nuts or crisps or sweets or cake or biscuits to make ourselves feel better.
Now I am not trying to shame you about your easting, but rather paint a picture as to what is and how. we place ourselves in impossible positions based on how we shame ourselves.
We do such a good job of shaming ourselves we don’t need support but every now and then we get it, from that family member who calls us porky or squeezes our sides.
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