Mental Health Works
Making therapy accessible and changing the world one thought at a time. mental health works is a podcast dedicated to supporting the understanding and interpretation of the struggles we face as human beings. Crated by a clinical psychotherapist/counsellor Disree Shaw, Mental health works seeks to support emotional and mental change by making therapy accessible.
115 episodes
The Shaming Of You
New year new meBecause the old me wasn’t good enough, or so many of us think.So what do we do every single year to shame ourselves into doing better? Christmas is the time for jolly and all that, bringing us closer to ...

What Negative Beliefs Are Holding you Back
Negative beliefs have so much power over what you do and don't do. So many times I have tried to overcome a negative belief only to be held accountable for what I am attaching meaning to. To break free from this, we gotta understan...

S.H.R.E.D Creating new habits
Creating habits can be a very difficult task. often we make the new habits way too complicated and it takes too much work to even conceptualize them. S.H.R.E.D. stands for Sleep, Hydration, Relaxation, Exercise, and Diet. <...

Failing to Lose weight, every New year, WHY?
Ever made that promise to yourself at the start of every year? No sugar no dairy no carbs, I must lose weight this year. I must get my summer body. But only to fail come the following month of February, by March you don't e...
Season 4
Episode 1

Is it A Relationship, Situationship, Dictatorship or Rockingship
Define the types of relationships we find ourselves in by categorizing the terms of what the relationship is actually doing. I have termed a relationship as a journey of combined partnershipSitauionship as an interaction based on c...
Season 3
Episode 3

Your Mind Body and Brain
This podcast is about how to harness the power that you have over yourself. The importance of how the mind powers the processing of the brain which directs the body into an=ctionYour brain is like a computer, your mind is the operatin...
Season 3
Episode 2

Emotional Connection to Food
Emotional connection to food, simply put as comfort eating. When we choose foods based on trying to gain a comforting emotional experience. The unhealthy way to go about eating. On the flip side, dieting, the restriction the punishm...
Season 3
Episode 1

Trust Yourself
Trust in yourself supports your belief in yourself and totally enables you to simply be yourself. It is common that many of us simply don’t trust ourselves, we fear our emotions our thoughts and we stuff it down. Often this results ...
Season 1
Episode 8

Tackling Your Inner Saboteur
Our inner saboteur seeks to tell us how we are not able to achieve so don’t try. Those of us who experienced bullying in one way or another take on the belief that we will be bullied and nothing can stop that unless we follow a set ...
Season 1
Episode 6

Affirmations Intentions and Coping Statements
Affirmations intentions and coping statements Mindset controls, the ability to set your mind in motion to deliver the emotions and thoughts that support you to move forward. Intentions are so po...
Season 1
Episode 7

Why don’t men talk about their feelings
The simple straight-up answer, many aren’t raised with the tools and skills to do so. Men are taught to be strong, run lift bring home the bacon, build do more. We don’t account for the natural human emotion that runs through us all as human be...
Season 1
Episode 7

Is Anger Bad?
Anger isn’t bad Society sends a message that anger is bad, that if you get angry then you will suffer because of it. Quotes about not being angry and choosing to be happy flood memes and social media, people try s...
Season 1
Episode 6

Getting Over Addiction The As, Bs and The Cs
The need for something in order to feel good satisfied on a high or even to feel in control Addiction takes the form of many different possibilities, it can be substance misuse, drugs alcohol, exercise, food, gambling, sex, or behav...
Season 1
Episode 5

Unhooking Your Thoughts
The superpower to all emotional and mental challenges, the hook.Unhooking your thought allows you to get back into now and take charge of your present moment which is right now. Unhooking is the ability to recognise that your thoughts...
Season 1
Episode 4

How To Stop Perfecting
For AL;l the perfectionist put there, here is the podcast that could help you with those debilitating acts of perfection, procrastination and self flagellation. All in one tidy podcast, ok nooo it is not going to be so easy, but this is t...
Season 1
Episode 3

Pain, CBT Compassion, Mindfulness
Pain is relative however it is absolutely inevitable but the way in which we suffer is totally optional. That sounds like a very strange concept but it is true. owe we suffer is on us how we deal with he pain is on us. the mos...
Season 1
Episode 2

What is a perfectionist? Too many times we hear the words I am such a perfectionist. Well are you really. What re the struggles of a true perfectionist, the procrastination the struggle the extremely high unrelenting standa...
Season 1
Episode 1

Progressively Relax
Progressive muscle relaxation, supporting you to be present and mindful of you and the feelings inside your body. Open your mind to creating your own feelings of calm picture from enviro elements project AMR PODCAST
Season 5
Episode 1

The difficulty in the subtlety of exclusion. The unintended or intended differences that can be highlighted in an attempt to separate and disempower https://disreeshaw.com/

Push Past The Fear
Pushing past the fear and facing the reality. Digging deep and realising your worth. https://disreeshaw.com/

How Do You Do Friends
What is your friendship style? Are you often checking if your friends are your friends.? If you are then you probably aren’t aware of what you are putting into your friendships

Avoid Burnout
Know the signs, are you burning out? Recognise your symptoms and take action check your anxiety and depression using this https://disreeshaw.com/questionnaire/gad-7-anxiety/

Who Is A Narcissist?
In this podcast I explore the distinction between the covert and overt. Outlining the male narcissist and the female narcissist https://youtu.be/EZ9PnckCdfU