Mental Health Works

Affirmations Intentions and Coping Statements

Disree Shaw Season 1 Episode 7

Affirmations intentions and coping statements 



Mindset controls, the ability to set your mind in motion to deliver the emotions and thoughts that support you to move forward. 

Intentions are so powerful but can sometimes go askew when we started creating unattainable intentions that require us to reach for impossible highs that bring us to our defeat when we cannot achieve the


There is a better way to support your abilities and manage your direction by the use of intentions and affirmations and coping statements


It is common to see on social media affirmations detailing great heights and aspirations that often don’t allow us to achieve according to what is available to us and what we are capable of.  It is counterproductive to set an achievable goal that is clearly unattainable and encompasses too much magical thinking. 

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