Mental Health Works
Mental Health Works
Tackling Your Inner Saboteur
Our inner saboteur seeks to tell us how we are not able to achieve so don’t try.
Those of us who experienced bullying in one way or another take on the belief that we will be bullied and nothing can stop that unless we follow a set of rules and assumptions that we created in order to keep ourselves safe from the world.
For example, your inner saboteur may state “nobody likes me” this becomes engrained and therefore evidence when placed in social situations we may shut down not respond find it difficult to interact therefore appearing standoffish or distant which may lead to others not engaging and this reality of people not engaging or having no interaction will confirm the belief that nobody likes me and this adds to more evidence. However, this is the fear the false evidence appearing real nonconclusive fact that becomes fact based on how people respond to us when we are in social situations.
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